Course detail

International and Czech Art of the First Half of the 19th Century in Context

FaVU-1SCU19st-ZAcad. year: 2021/2022

The course is a survey of tendencies and painters/sculptors from preromantism and classicism to romantism and biedermeier in Europe and Bohemia. We will focus on the wider cultural and social context (classical archaeology, the impact of politics on the life and work f various artists). The course stresses the links between art scenes around Europe and inthe USA. Special importance is given to the survey of art of Central Europe - A.R.Mengs, C.D. Friedrich, the Nazarenes, Central European biedermeier, the influence of Ludwig Schwanthaler). We willl also look at the key artists and tendencies of academic and historical painting.

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Students will be able to define the basic concepts of painting, sculpture, applied art and architecture and urbanism of the first half of the 19th century in a wider social, cultural and political context. At the same time, they can identify the basic stylistic tendencies and key works of art and architecture of the period and relate them to contemporary theoretical concepts.


Basic overview of the cultural and political history of the 19th century.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures and field trips; during one semester there are 10 lectures and 3 field trips (visits of selected exhibition institutions, guided tours of important works of art and architecture on the territory of Brno in situ).

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Written test (25 questions, multiple choice, 1 correct and 4 false answers); time limit for completing the test: 25 minutes; for every correct answer 1 point, for the false one 0 points. A minimum of 13 points must be achieved to complete the course successfully.

Course curriculum

1. Preromantism, neo-classicismu, epire style in painting. J.W.Tischbein and Goethe. J.J.Winckelmann and his definition of neo classicism. Hubert Robert. Pierre Paul Prud´hon. A.R.Mengs. Women in painting. Angelika Kauffmann. Vigée Le Brun.
2. French painting from neo classicism toward romantism. J.L.David. David´s School of painting. Antoine-Jean Gros. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.
3. Neo-classicism in Czech painting around 1800. Ludvík Kohl. Foundation of Academy of Arts, prague, 1799. J. Bergler. K. Postl.
4. Discoverig the Greece sculpture. Phidias. New views, ideas, technologies in sculpture. Original plaster, now classics. John Flaxman, Jean-Antoin Houdon, portrait as genre. Antonio Canova. Joseph Chinard. Bertel Thorvaldsen from neo-classicismu toward romantism.
5. Sculpture of the Romanticism era in France. Charles Baudelaire - Why sculpture is boring. Pierre - Jean David d´Angers, Antoine-Louis Barye, Francois Rude.
6. Sculpture of neo-classicism and romanticism era in German countries. Gottfried Schadow. Christian Daniel Rauch. Monuments in classical and neo-gothic style.
8. Hellenism in Bayern. Ludwig I. Sculptor Ludwig Schwanthaler, architect Leo von Klenze. Walhalla near Regensburg, Befreiungshalle near Kelheim. Ludwig Schwanthaler in Czech countries, attempt of Slavic Slavín. Schwanthaler and gifted Czech sculptor Václav Levý
9. Neo-classicism and empire era sculture in Czech countries. Decay of the barocco and rococco style. Realizations in classical style. Václav Prachner. Josef Malínský. Josef a Emanuel Max.Václav Levý from post barocco toward the romanticism, neo-classicism, Nazarene style, attempt of "Slavic type".
10. Historician style in painting, his beginning, difference from the historic scenes of cneo-classicist and romanticist painters. Paul Delaroche. Moralism - Thomas Couture. "Impressions" of Charles Gleyre. Central europeans attempts of historical painting. Carl Friedrich Lessing, hussites in painting.
11. National schools of romantic panting. Spain - Francisco Goya. France - Théodore Géricault. Eugéne Delacroix. England - William Turner. John Constable - his "sixfooters". Fantasy painting, drawing, prints. Heinrich Füssli. William Blake. John Martin. Richard Dadd. USA. Thomas Cole, Hudson River School of landscape painting.
12.Romantis painting in German countries. Philipp Otto Runge, his concepts of arts. Caspar David Friedrich, Johan Christian Dahl. Carl Gustav Carus. Karl Friedrich Schninkel - architect, painter.
13. Nazarene painting in Central Europe and Rome. Franz Pforr. Friedrich Overbeck. Deep and long influence of Nazarenes in Austria countries including Czech ones. Rebirth of wall painting. Peter Cornelius and his pupils. Christian painting - Josef Fuhrich.
14.Biedermeier - romantism in absolutistic regimes of German and Austrian countries. . Landscape painting - veduta (Karl Croll), sentimental landscape (Ferdinand Gregor Waldmuller, Rudolf von Alt etc.). Idealizing the portrait. (Friedrich von Amerling), showing dark side of society in prints (Peter Fendi). Mnichov - Karl Spitzweg, anecdotic, but soulful Biedermeier painting.
15. Neoromantism. Moritz von Schwind. Sentimental, decorative, literal, music in pitures, "Hauptbild".
16. Outline of the painting in Czech countries, first half of 19th century.
Portrait painting in Biedermeier style. Antonín Machek. Nazarenis lyricism - František Tkadlík. Czech fenomena - Manes´ Family of painters. Václav and Antonín Mánes brothers. Antonín Mánes - landscape from neo-classicism through romantism toward realism. Antonín´s son Josef Mánes - landscape and portrait painter, applied arts artist, creator of romantic views of "Slavic type". His siblings Quido Mánes, Amálie Mánesová, biedermeier genre. Landscape - spontaneous painter Josef Navrátil, August Piepenhagen in the wake of C.D.Friedrich. Bedřich Havránek.

Work placements

Not applicable.


The objective of the course is to get basic overview of theoretical concepts, development tendencies and artists' approaches in the field of painting, sculpture, applied art and architecture and urbanism of the first half of the 19th century. Particular emphasis is placed on the revolutionary aspect of the era and the interdependence of art and architecture with social and political changes.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

Lectures attendance is compulsory.

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

Not applicable.

Recommended reading

Naděžda Blažíčková-Horová – Šárka Leubnerová – Tomáš Sekyrka, Umění 19. století v Čechách (1790–1910). Malířství,
sochařství a užité umění. Národní galerie v Praze, Klášter sv. Jiří na Pražském hradě. Průvodce expozicí, Praha 2009.
Naděžda Blažíčková-Horová (ed.), České malířství 19. století. Katalog stálé expozice Sbírky umění 19. století Národní galerie v Praze, Klášter sv. Anežky České, Praha 1998.
Jiří Kuthan, Aristokratická sídla v českých zemích 1780–1914, Praha 2014.
Taťána Petrasová – Helena Lorencová (eds.), Dějiny českého výtvarného umění 1780/1890 (III/1), Praha 2001.
Roman Prahl et al., Umění náhrobku v českých zemích let 1780–1830, Praha 2004.
Robert Rosenblum – Horst Woldemar Janson, 19th-Century Art, New Jersey 2005.
Oldřich Ševčík, Architektura – historie – umění. Kulturně-civilizační vývoj v Evropě od antiky do počátku 19. století, Praha 2007.
Vojtěch Volavka, České malířství a sochařství 19. století, Praha 1968.
Radim Vondráček (ed.), Biedermeier. Umění a kultura v českých zemích 1814–1848, Praha 2008.
Jindřich Vybíral, Česká architektura na prahu moderní doby. Devatenáct esejů o devatenáctém století, Praha 2002.
Pavel Zatloukal, Meditace o architektuře. Olomouc – Brno – Hradec Králové 1815–1915, Řevnice 2016.
Pavel Zatloukal, Brněnská architektura 1815–1915. Průvodce, Brno 2006.
Pavel Zatloukal, Příběhy z dlouhého století. Architektura let 1750–1918 na Moravě a ve Slezsku, Olomouc 2002.

Classification of course in study plans

  • Programme VUB Bachelor's

    branch VU-D , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-IDT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-D , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-IDT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-VT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-VT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-VT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-IDT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-IDT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-IDT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-VT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-IDT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-VT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-IDT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-D , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory
    branch VU-VT , 3 year of study, winter semester, compulsory

Type of course unit



26 hod., optionally

Teacher / Lecturer


1.Preromantism, neo-classicismu, epire style in painting. J.W.Tischbein and Goethe. J.J.Winckelmann and his definition of neo classicism. Hubert Robert. Pierre Paul Prud´hon. A.R.Mengs. Women in painting. Angelika Kauffmann. Vigée Le Brun.
2. French painting from neo classicism toward romantism. J.L.David. David´s School of painting. Antoine-Jean Gros. Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.
3. Neo-classicism in Czech painting around 1800. Ludvík Kohl. Foundation of Academy of Arts, prague, 1799. J. Bergler. K. Postl.
4. Discoverig the Greece sculpture. Phidias. New views, ideas, technologies in sculpture. Original plaster, now classics. John Flaxman, Jean-Antoin Houdon, portrait as genre. Antonio Canova. Joseph Chinard. Bertel Thorvaldsen from neo-classicismu toward romantism.
5. Sculpture of the Romanticism era in France. Charles Baudelaire - Why sculpture is boring. Pierre - Jean David d´Angers, Antoine-Louis Barye, Francois Rude.
6. Sculpture of neo-classicism and romanticism era in German countries. Gottfried Schadow. Christian Daniel Rauch. Monuments in classical and neo-gothic style.
8. Hellenism in Bayern. Ludwig I. Sculptor Ludwig Schwanthaler, architect Leo von Klenze. Walhalla near Regensburg, Befreiungshalle near Kelheim. Ludwiga Schwanthalera in Czech countries, attempt of Slavic Slavín. Schwanthaler and gifted Czech sculptor Václav Levý
9. Neo-classicism and empire era sculture in Czech countries. Decay of the barocco and rococco style. Realizations in classical style. Václav Prachner. Josef Malínský. Josef a Emanuel Max.Václav Levý from post barocco toward the romanticism, neo-classicism, Nazarene style, attempt of "Slavic type".
10. Historician style in painting, his beginning, difference from the historic scenes of cneo-classicist and romanticist painters. Paul Delaroche. Moralism - Thomas Couture. "Impressions" of Charles Gleyre. Central europeans attempts of historical painting. Carl Friedrich Lessing, hussites in painting.
11. National schools of romantic panting. Spain - Francisco Goya. France - Théodore Géricault. Eugéne Delacroix. England - William Turner. John Constable - his "sixfooters". Fantasy painting, drawing, prints. Heinrich Füssli. William Blake. John Martin. Richard Dadd. USA. Thomas Cole, Hudson River School of landscape painting.
12.Romantis painting in German countries. Philipp Otto Runge, his concepts of arts. Caspar David Friedrich, Johan Christian Dahl. Carl Gustav Carus. Karl Friedrich Schninkel - architect, painter.
13. Nazarene painting in Central Europe and Rome. Franz Pforr. Friedrich Overbeck. Deep and long influence of Nazarenes in Austria countries including Czech ones. Rebirth of wall painting. Peter Cornelius and his pupils. Christian painting - Josef Fuhrich.
14.Biedermeier - romantism in absolutistic regimes of German and Austrian countries. . Landscape painting - veduta (Karl Croll), sentimental landscape (Ferdinand Gregor Waldmuller, Rudolf von Alt etc.). Idealizing the portrait. (Friedrich von Amerling), showing dark side of society in prints (Peter Fendi). Mnichov - Karl Spitzweg, anecdotic, but soulful Biedermeier painting.
15. Neoromantism. Moritz von Schwind. Sentimental, decorative, literal, music in pitures, "Hauptbild".
16. Outline of the painting in Czech countries, first half of 19th century.
Portrait painting in Biedermeier style. Antonín Machek. Nazarenis lyricism - František Tkadlík. Czech fenomena - Manes´ Family of painters. Václav and Antonín Mánes brothers. Antonín Mánes - landscape from neo-classicism through romantism toward realism. Antonín´s son Josef Mánes - landscape and portrait painter, applied arts artist, creator of romantic views of "Slavic type". His siblings Quido Mánes, Amálie Mánesová, biedermeier genre. Landscape - spontaneous painter Josef Navrátil, August Piepenhagen in the wake of C.D.Friedrich. Bedřich Havránek.