Drawing and Printmaking Studio
This studio works in intermedia, emphasizing the quality and tradition of drawing and printmaking. It has founded its conception on newly defined positions of materiality in contemporary art. The studio stresses the process of artistic exploration leading towards individual discoveries; to subjective gesture, the tension between the dynamics of the artmaking process and the relatively static final artifact. Although students build on the rich history and tradition of classical disciplines, they are not dogmatic conservatives. On the contrary. The studio motivates them both to engage in new technological approaches and to a dialog with contemporary trends. They work in the media of a diary, the landscape, travel, experiences, events, or activism. They make drawings, prints, artists’ books, three-dimensional objects and installations, using new and time-based media. Apart from gaining craft skills, they become aware of the issues in contemporary art; they can proficiently and in an informed way react to current sociocultural problems in the form of artworks and are able to defend these; they have mastered the theoretical background and the progressive tendencies of art both in Czech and international artistic discourse.
doc. Mgr. Art.
Svätopluk Mikyta has been a longterm experimenter with materiality and visuality of found objects. He collects, recycles, and creatively analyzes previously existing topics, reassembling them in a new time. He works with classical techniques such as drawing, graphics, photography, and ceramics, and reinvigorates them in current artistic language, de-fetishizes them and transposes them into postcontemporary forms.
The model, both in content and form, constitutes the main preoccupation of Hládeková. Through it, she investigates the tension between simulacrum and reality, between virtuality and physical materiality. She moves between the media of objects, installations, photography, and occasionally also time-based images.
Responsibility: doc. Mgr. Art. Svätopluk Mikyta